Maths and Physical Education in Primary Education – ‘More than just counting beanbags’?

Dominic Haydn-Davies, Emerick Kaitell, Victoria Randall, Julie Shaughnessy

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Mathematics and Physical Education can be two subjects that children do not immediately associate as having common ground and yet there are some clear fundamental links that underpin these two areas of learning. When presented alongside each other, the uniqueness of both subjects can be very powerful in offering children a holistic learning experience that can also aid understanding in both areas. Both subjects can provide children with a wealth of challenge, engagement and fulfilment whilst also not forgetting the more serious nature of what both disciplines set out to achieve; core fundamental skills that every child will need throughout their life. This article serves as an illustration point for how learning through mathematics and physical education can support learning in the primary curriculum.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)24-28
JournalPrimary Mathematics
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • Primary Mathematics
  • Primary Physical Education
  • Cross-Curricular Teaching

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