The Care-less Marketplace: Exclusion as Affective Inequality

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The care-less marketplace is a discrete site which reinforces structural inequality in the affective domain of life. Drawing on the work of pro-care feminist theory, this empirical paper explores marketplace exclusion from the perspective of economic disadvantage and its impact on relations of love, care and solidarity. Adopting a voice-centred-relational approach, this interpretative study examines the narrative accounts of a diverse group of women living in diverse poverty contexts. Articulating marketplace exclusion as a series of affective burdens, material struggles and disconnections embedded within the relational web of family, friends and community - these experiences mirror participants’ imposed exclusion in the marketplace due to chronic economic hardship. Through the diffusion of an alternative theoretical lens, affective inequality surfaces the importance of care and how it is often most visible in the lives of vulnerable consumers when it is absent or broken.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)528-544
Number of pages17
JournalConsumption, Markets & Culture
Issue number5-6
Early online date7 Jan 2019
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2019


  • Marketplace exclusion
  • Affective inequality
  • Care-less
  • Poverty
  • Relational
  • care-less
  • affective inequality
  • relational
  • poverty

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