Using written, audio and video vignettes to translate knowledge to elite strength and conditioning coaches

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Research has shown that vignettes are useful in disseminating complex and applied information to practitioners (e.g., Douglas & Carless, 2008) with research mainly utilising written and audio vignettes to disseminate good practice (e.g., Perrier, Smith, & Latimer-Cheung, 2015; Smith, Tomasone, Latimer-Cheung, & Martin-Ginis, 2015). The current study examined the utility of a research-based vignette, presented in different formats (written, audio, video), to disseminate information to elite strength and conditioning (S&C) coaches. A single vignette was developed in three formats: a written, an audio, and a video vignette. The vignette involved an experienced S&C coach as the main character, and the plot outlined how this S&C coach aimed to learn more about effective coaching. Nineteen elite S&C coaches reflected on the utility of different vignette formats. Data were analysed using a thematic analysis (Braun, Clarke, & Weate, 2017). Overall, the results suggest that vignettes are useful in translating knowledge and encourage action, regardless of which format is used. Furthermore, the S&C coaches reported a preference for the video format, due to the video’s ability to communicate emotional, verbal and non-verbal behaviours. Practically, the vignette prompted the S&C coaches to reflect on areas such as coaching philosophy and values resulting in initial changes in their coaching practice.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)199-210
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Sport Coaching Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2019


  • coach development
  • narrative learning
  • knowledge translation

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