Modern Paganism?
: Nations, Nationalism and the Greek Theological Paradigm

  • Lampros Psomas

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


The thesis examines the issue of the interconnection of nations and nationalism with Christianity, arguing that nationalism should be conceived as a form of paganism, at odds with Christian theology. It offers an interdisciplinary perspective, despite being essentially a theological work.
After examining the modern theories on nations and nationalism, as well as nationalism and religion, the thesis suggests that nations can exist without nation-states or nationalism and can be pre-modern, even ancient. It then suggests that nationalism should not be understood as an abstract religion replacing traditional religions, but, particularly, as a form paganism, which co-exists with traditional religions.
Theologically, the thesis presents the features that distinguish paganism and then argues that these features were overcome in the Old Testament, and, ultimately, in the New Testament. In doing so, the thesis argues that nationalism-as-paganism comes in conflict with the essence of Christianity, a conflict already understood by modern theologians. Finally, the thesis traces the features of paganism in modern Greek nationalism, by examining some of its aspects.

Date of Award8 Sep 2018
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Winchester
SupervisorAndreas Andreopoulos (Supervisor) & Colin Haydon (Supervisor)


  • nation
  • nationalism
  • religion
  • paganism
  • Christianty
  • theology
  • Greece
  • Easter Orthodox Christianity

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