Oppression, Marginalisation and Education in Kerala: In dialogue with Freire

  • Syamprasad Karottu Velayudhan Achary

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


The primary aim of this research is to develop my own critical perspective on oppression, marginalisation and education in Kerala, India. First, it critiques Freire’s educational thoughts including banking and problem-posing education; second, it goes on to extend Freire’s ideas to develop a dialogical methodology in the field of Education while addressing my fieldwork struggles and dialogues. Third, it addresses how Freire’s educational thoughts can also be critically understood to explore the oppressive and marginalizing nature of non-formal education and community work in Kerala; fourth, this thesis contributes to innovative knowledge mainly at theoretical, methodological and empirical levels.
Date of Award14 Jun 2016
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Winchester
SupervisorWayne Veck (Supervisor) & Charly Ryan (Supervisor)


  • banking education
  • problem-posing education
  • oppression
  • marginalisation
  • meetings
  • silence
  • cast invasion
  • imitation
  • research-education parrallel

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