Scaling The Walls of Silence:
: the stories of young people who have experienced domestic violence

  • Susan Collis

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


This thesis examines the stories of young people who have experienced domestic violence. A hermeneutical methodology was adopted which culminated in an in-depth analysis and interpretation of their stories. Seeking to understand their stories, the chosen method of analysis revealed a multi-layered and complex view of experience which specifically drew attention to the emotional journeys of each young person through suffering. Their ‘feeling’ voices emerged and were recorded, demonstrating a commitment to recognising and raising the voices of those who have been silenced, neglected or disempowered. The aim was also to uncover those aspects of the young people’s lives which showed their means of coping with their experiences of domestic violence and this resulted in the exposure of convergent aspects of coping competence and emotionality. The themes of ‘voice’, ‘view’ and ‘vision’ which emerged from layers of interpretative analysis express the complexity and depth of personal experience. Each identifies the unique identity, the significant relationships and the spiritual and emotional fortitude of each of the young people. Their stories reflect ‘waves of resilience’ which wash away the adverse effects of domestic violence and abuse.
It is acknowledged that this study is subjective and reflexive in nature, and that the author has a personal, emotional connection to the overarching subject of the research, domestic violence, and to those who have contributed to the research. The ‘baggage’ of the author is openly admitted and viewed in the context of postmodernist, feminist theory and practice.
Date of Award1 Jun 2010
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Winchester
SupervisorBridget Egan (Supervisor) & Jane Erricker (Supervisor)

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