Understanding Community-level Spontaneous Unarmed Civilian Protection (UCP): A Comparative Study of Initiatives in South Sudan, Myanmar and Colombia

Project Details


Our project, funded by the Creating Safer Space Network through AHRC, explores a less known aspect of UCP, what we term spontaneous UCP, referring to community-level UCP initiatives by local actors that are carried out ‘spontaneously’ in response to local conditions without any pre-emptive support from specialist INGOs. More specifically, we seek to understand the nature and character of local nonviolent actors engaging in spontaneous UCP; how the contexts shape, support and constrain spontaneous UCP activities; the evolution relationships, networks and coalitions these local actors form in order to protect others; exploring these factors across Myanmar, Colombia and South Sudan.

Layman's description

The project seeks to explore how civilians and local organisations protect other civilians in the context of armed conflict, in a concept known as unarmed civilian protection.

Key findings

Effective start/end date1/11/2231/12/23