Follow the price signal: People’s willingness to shift household practices in a dynamic time-of-use tariff trial in the United Kingdom

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‘Dynamic’ tariffs aim to help energy users to shift their energy-related practices, and rewards them financially when they modify when and how to use electricity in response to price fluctuations. However, its irregular and unpredictable nature makes it difficult for users to change their routine practices. The ways people interact with energy systems are complex; it involves negotiating and compromising various practices. This paper draws on 37 semi-structured interviews with householders who participated in the UK’s first trial of a dynamic time-of-use tariff (dTOD) for electricity. It explores trial participants’ experience with variable energy pricing. Findings from the interviews show that trial participants were willing to adapt their household practices to price changes as long as the tariff did not ruin their quality of life. Moreover, the trial was a real opportunity for people to respond to price changes. Having experienced it, participants gained confidence in performing their household practices flexibly and felt more control over energy consumption. This UK-based study has relevance to the EU context because smart grids and dynamic pricing is one of the prioritised areas in its energy infrastructure policy.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10-18
Number of pages9
JournalEnergy Research & Social Science
Issue numberMarch 2017
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2018


  • Demand-side response
  • Dynamic time-of-use tariffs trial
  • Household practices
  • Load-shifting
  • S trial
  • 2020

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