Scaling maximal oxygen uptake to predict cycling time-trial performance in the field: A non-linear approach

A. M. Nevill, S. A. Jobson, G. S. Palmer, T. S. Olds

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The purpose of the present article is to identify the most appropriate method of scaling V̇O2max for differences in body mass when assessing the energy cost of time-trial cycling. The data from three time-trial cycling studies were analysed (N =79) using a proportional power-function ANCOVA model. The maximum oxygen uptake-to-mass ratio found to predict cycling speed was V̇O2max (m)-0.32, precisely the same as that derived by Swain for sub-maximal cycling speeds (10, 15 and 20 mph). The analysis was also able to confirm a proportional curvilinear association between cycling speed and energy cost, given by (V̇O2max (m)-0.32)0.41. The model predicts, for example, that for a male cyclist (72 kg) to increase his average speed from 30 km h-1 to 35 km h-1, he would require an increase in V̇O2max from 2.36 l min-1 to 3.44 1 min-1, an increase of 1.08 l min-1. In contrast, for the cyclist to increase his mean speed from 40 km h-1 to 45 km h-1, he would require a greater increase in V̇O2max from 4.77 l min-1 to 6.36 l min-1, i.e. an increase of 1.59 l min-1. The model is also able to accommodate other determinants of time-trial cycling, e.g. the benefit of cycling with a side wind (5% faster) compared with facing a predominatly head/tail wind (P<0.05). Future research could explore whether the same scaling approach could be applied to, for example, alternative measures of recording power output to improve the prediction of time-trial cycling performance.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)705-710
Number of pages6
JournalEuropean Journal of Applied Physiology
Issue number5-6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2005
Externally publishedYes


  • Body mass
  • Cycling speed
  • Power function
  • Proportional allometric model
  • Wind resistance

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