The Agency of Children and Young People in Sustainability Transitions: Eco-Spiritual Events on Hare Krishna Eco-Farms in Europe

Tamas Lestar, Giuseppe Pellegrini-Masini

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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The role of children and young people is not outlined in the sustainability transitions literature. The aim of this work is to illustrate the significance of young people's agency by showcasing Hare Krishna eco-farms organising cultural/eco-spiritual events. This work forms part of a wider sustainability study focussing on food in spiritual communities in Europe. Data were collected through observation and interviews on three Hare Krishna farms. The agency of children and youths and the significance of their presence at eco-events emerged as an unexpected theme. Findings show that Hare Krishna events in Europe are visited by a relatively high number of children and young people who learn about more sustainable practices through extracurricular activities. By describing the cognitive and experiential encounters, the authors draw attention to the significance of children's involvement in ecologically geared events in the context of sustainability transitions.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEvents Management for the Infant and Youth Market
PublisherEmerald Publishing
Publication statusPublished - 14 Aug 2023

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