Intra-individual movement variability in cycling

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


Movement variability within repeated performances of the same sporting skill has long been considered evidence of poor motor control and seen as detrimental to overall performance. Changing attitudes and improved measurement technology have led to the suggestion that this may not be true. Instead, it has been suggested that movement variability may play a functional role by allowing athletes to adapt their technique to better match the changing combinations of task constraints which can be encountered in a dynamic performance environment. To investigate whether this is the case during cycling, Study 1 of this thesis assessed the amount of variability in sagittal plane joint kinematics displayed by cyclists of differing skill levels during a simulated time trial event indoors. The lack of relationship between skill level and amount of movement variability shown here was attributed to too few task perturbations in a laboratory environment and therefore investigations were moved to a field setting.

Before field testing could be undertaken, the validity of power measuring pedals (Study 2), electro-goniometers (Study 3), a wearable inertial measurement suit (Study 4) and individual inertial measurement units (Study 5) was investigated in order to provide suitable methods of data collection for an outdoor kinematic investigation.

Study 6 investigated the variability of sagittal plane joint kinematics during outdoor time trial performance and revealed that there is a statistically significant strong negative linear relationship between a cyclist’s skill level and the amount of movement variability they display. More experienced cyclists displayed significantly greater levels of movement variability than their less experienced counterparts at both the Hip-Knee and Knee-Ankle joint couplings and this was related to faster overall finishing times for the time trial event.

Following these findings, Study 7 began investigations into the underlying muscular recruitment patterns which may be driving the variable movement patterns displayed during cycling. Little evidence was seen for an established relationship between the level of variability of muscular recruitment employed by participants and the performance outcome during indoor simulated time trials on a cycle ergometer. This, again, was attributed to a lack of task perturbations in a laboratory environment and therefore future investigations in a more ecologically valid setting are recommended.
Date of Award12 Jun 2023
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Winchester
SupervisorSimon Jobson (Supervisor) & Neal Smith (Supervisor)

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